Dynamics of Vaccination with Imperfect Knowledge
high enough vaccine coverage level can eradicate a disease
from a population. However, if individuals believe there is
any risk associated with the vaccine, vaccination decisions
driven by rational self-interest can keep the overall
vaccination below this level. If almost everyone in a
population has chosen to vaccinate, an unvaccinated
individual may believe that it's unlikely that they will
come into contact with someone who is infected, and thus
they will feel more comfortable choosing not to vaccinate.
We investigate how the likelihood that a disease is
eradicated from a population (and other features of system
dynamics) change as the amount of inter-individual
interaction and the amount of information each individual
has about the world vary from local to global.

We use an agent-based
compartmental (SIRV) model with birth and death
processes. Agents inhabit a finite two-dimensional
region; at birth an agent is assigned a fixed, random
position and may choose to vaccinate or not. We assume
that the agents will choose their vaccination strategy
in order to minimize the expected cost that they
incur, given by
E(C) = p rv + (1 − p) π ri,
p is the probability that the agent
will vaccinate,
ri is the
perceived cost from infection,
is the perceived cost of vaccination, and
is the agent's estimate of how likely it is for them
to become infected if not vaccinated. An agent's
strategy is their choice of
p, which they
choose to minimize their expected cost. Agents will
choose to vaccinate if
r π > 1 and will otherwise
choose not vaccinate, where r is the relative cost,
r = ri / rv.
Each agent estimates the likelihood of their becoming
infected if not vaccinated by observing the state of all
other agents within a given distance
nk. These others make up the agent’s
knowledge neighborhood. From this observation the
agent computes
π = r + i,
r and
i are the fraction of
recovered and infected agents in the knowledge
neighborhood. The only possibility of infection comes from
other agents within a given distance
of the new agent; these others make up an agent’s
interaction neighborhood. In our model we specify
the number of agents that should be in an interaction
neighborhood on average, and choose
As illustrated in the figure below we find that when
contagion dynamics are local and there is an intermediate
relative cost
r, the disease is less likely to be
eradicated as agents have more information about their
environment. In this simulation the interaction
neighborhood was set to 50 (pink line) and the relative
cost to 5.5. The extinction probability is calculated as
the fraction of ensemble runs where the disease has been
eradicated by time 150.
Below are the mean and standard deviation of the nonzero
vaccination levels at time 150, as a function of the size
of the information neighborhood. Vaccination levels
increase with information, while at the same time standard
deviation decreases, reflecting the fact that more
information leads to dynamics determined by population
averages rather than local neighborhoods. There is
qualitatively different behavior in vaccination as we move
from an information neighborhood smaller than the
interaction neighborhood (pink line) to larger. To the left
very low levels of infection and vaccination can survive in
the population.

It may seem counterintuitive that when the information
neighborhood is large average vaccination levels are
highest and yet the disease is more likely to survive.
However, on closer inspection this makes sense. In the time
course below we can observe that vaccination levels have an
oscillatory dynamic, but when the knowledge neighborhood is
small (left panel) the fall in vaccination level is slower
than when the knowledge neighborhood is large (right
panel). Furthermore, although maximum and minimum nonzero
vaccination levels are lower with smaller knowledge
neighborhood, there is a lower average and minimum ratio of
infected and recovered agents to vaccinated agents. That
is, there are more vaccinated agents per infected or
recovered individual on average, and vaccination in
response to local but small infections can be sustained.
This can be understood by noting that there is a threshold
number of infected plus recovered neighbors above which an
agent will vaccinate and below which it will not. The
larger the knowledge neighborhood, the larger this
threshold number is. Hence, agents can vaccinate when there
are lower average infection levels (which could be high
using a local measure) only when they observe less of the
population. This turns out to be crucial in containing the